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May 15, 2013
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  May 15, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were:, John Mirick, Richard Bisk and Ann Neuburg. Jon Fudeman was absent.

Doug Andrysick was in with an ANR plan for combining two lots with frontage on Brook Station and Ball Hill Road, owned by Walter Giard. Board voted all in favor to sign Mylar and copies, received check for $100.

7:45 PM  Tom D. opened the 2nd public meeting for the Worcester Road Village District project and read a letter submitted by Jon Fudeman, which asked that no zoning changes take place—the “do nothing” option. Tom also explained the funding request which was approved at the annual Town Meeting as only to be spent for a zoning consultant if the PB decides to create an overlay zone or otherwise needs technical support for any zoning changes. If no consultant is used, the money returns to the general fund.
John M. distributed a handout titled “Concept – Possibilities and Consequences” which detailed the pros and cons of possible actions the board could take in the Worcester Road Business District, summarizing the same info from the April meeting. A table of uses in each zoning district was also distributed.  A large zoning map of the area was displayed on the projection screen which was set up. John talked about the southern half of the business zone, and the likelihood of continued residential development, unless the business zone expanded (or opened up more uses with an overlay), which could allow businesses to take hold in lieu of more houses. Since the area is now all residential, the zoning could be changed to reflect that and prohibit future business development, or rezone east side to Res./Ag. since that’s how it’s built out so.
        Several neighbors noted that they didn’t want to give up future opportunity for business growth where it’s is currently zoned that way; some liked the idea of encouraging business growth from Post Office Place up to PMLD. Also, the issue of prevailing westerly winds came up, driving noise and odors from the business side of Worcester Road--exacerbated by clear-cut open space to the west—over to the dense residential neighborhoods on the east side. The various issues of re-zoning, imposing an overlay district, or keeping current zoning with no changes, all seemed to draw support from different factions—no clear consensus appeared.

9:05 PM  John M. thanked participants and Tom D. closed the public meeting.
Board voted all in favor to approve minutes from April 17 and May 1. They also signed the signatory authorization form from the Worcester Registry of Deeds, with Jon F. pending.

9:12 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  

Giard ANR plan; “Concept – Possibilities and Consequences” handout;  town map; Kolias report:  map on CD;  zoning table of uses

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department